Automate all document processes in one place

Effortlessly visualize, automate, control and monitor critical business processes

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Improve responsiveness while maintaining process control


The agility to automate processes is integral to success, but organizations must remain in control, demonstrate compliance and provide greater visibility around processes and data.


DocProStar makes process modeling and production deployment fast and easy with a graphical, intuitive interface based on Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN). New or adapted processes reach production in the shortest possible time, and inbuilt process version management and automated testing allows designers to keep up with even the most demanding continuous improvement programs.


The platform’s limitless scalability makes processing bottlenecks a thing of the past. And its control features give you real-time information about every document in each process step.

Build, integrate, deploy and scale your processes

Make the complex simple

Simple visualization of a process replaces thousands of lines of code: DocProStar’s BPMN process flow empowers everyone to participate in process design and realization

Reduce the time from idea to reality

With more than 100 standard activities for plug-in or configuration, DocProStar’s Process Modeler enables rapid process design and ensures quick time to go live

Embrace change and continuously improve

Integrated version management simplifies process agility, making it easier to adopt changes and control delivery into production

Ensure accurate outcomes and meet SLAs

Dynamic SLA management allows you to prioritize workloads based on document or process type, customer profile or even the content being processed

Build compliance into your processes

DocProStar captures a comprehensive picture of processing—from the moment content enters an organization—ensuring a complete audit trail and satisfying data handling regulations

Easily integrate into existing IT landscape

Built on a modern service oriented architecture architecture DocProStar slots right in to your existing technology stack and inbuilt centralised process deployment makes life easy for IT teams

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Model and Orchestrate

DocProStar brings control, agility, automation and efficiency to all of your enterprise processes

Build, visualize and collaborate

DocProStar's Process Modeler lets business and technical users work collaboratively while modeling and deploying processes, all within a no/low code rapid configuration environment. Dramatically reduce the time from idea to visualization to deployment.

Rapid process modeling and reusability are key principles of DocProStar’s design interface, which connects more than 100 activity templates to form a complete vision of the end-to-end process at record speed. BPMN process flows make building and reviewing with a “What You See Is What You Process” (WYSIWYP) user experience.

Centralized process publishing, and integrated version and release management to multiple environments makes it simple to track and deploy versions through testing stages and into production without affecting operational efficiency.


Complete process control at your fingertips

Once deployed, DocProStar Process Monitor empowers your teams with all the information needed to monitor and orchestrate production processes. A single, unified interface means you can easily view processing status across multiple business areas, processes or even clients in a multi-tenant situation.

Using BPMN standard formatting, Process Monitor provides both an overall picture of the status across all processes and a deeper look into specific processes and activities—down to individual work items.

  • Whether managing multiple customers, departments, countries or regions DocProStar’s unified interface efficiently tracks transaction flows across the entire processing landscape
  • WYSIWYP visualization provides both a consistent user experience and also the ideal tools for monitoring real-time status
  • Inbuilt SLAs ensure that processing is dynamically prioritized to ensure business goals are met, with real-time SLA performance reporting insights



What is Process Orchestration and why does it matter?

Process orchestration refers to the practice of organizing and managing individual tasks as part of an end-to-end process, enabling management of the entire process lifecycle from a single location, including development, testing and monitoring.

DocProStar’s orchestration capabilities make it the perfect choice for managing enterprise processes as it is able to manage its own activities as well as the orchestration of any third-party services, like facial recognition from AWS or Google Vision’s handwriting recognition.


Point-and-click design tools

Efficient process automation is at the heart of almost every project. DocProStar ensures that processes are in control, visible and auditable and its Automation Designer enables hyperautomation, too.

A critical component of the DocProStar suite, Automation Designer manages application-centric elements of process set-up including UX, input/output and data access.

  • Defines user-experience (UX) and data handling through straightforward parametrization (point-and-click), no coding or scripting required
  • Follows Industry 4.0 principles for the most effective combination of humans and systems to run processes
  • Delivered in a flexible framework to steer the flow of content based on the results of processing
  • Enables more information to be captured with less effort for improved decisioning and data analytics


End-to-end automated auditing

What if auditing was automatic? With DocProStar in control, Process Audit is constantly collecting all the information about your item’s journey behind the scenes, from beginning to end.

DocProStar tracks the complete path of all work items processed, from the moment of capture to the final step in process execution. Every action and decision is logged and available for interrogation.

  • Automatic handling of audit and compliance needs
  • Provides trove of detailed data for process mining
  • Export options for document-formatted process audit information


"TCG has always differentiated its product through a graphical design interface for setting up Capture workflows. BPMN enables organizations to achieve this in a standardized way. DocProStar 2022 incorporates full process versioning, testing and validation, all designed to help customers build and adapt process automation more efficiently."

Ralph Gammon Infosource