Turn unstructured data into actionable business information

Automated processes start with accurate data

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How are documents and data transformed into useful information?


After capturing and standardizing inbound content, our state-of-the-art technologies (artificial intelligence, machine learning and bots) are applied to understand the content, type and meaning. Relevant data is extracted and validated in a highly automated process.


The secret to achieving the highest possible automation is in a smart and flexible combination of these technologies, which work together to maximize efficiency, while ensuring the accuracy of information.



Accelerate processes across the enterprise with Intelligent Document Processing

Improve efficiency with artificial intelligence

Eliminate time consuming and error-prone manual sorting tasks using DocProStar’s AI-driven classifier. Complete mailroom automation starts with accurately classifying content to understand the type and meaning of each item.

DocProStar leverages one of the most advanced classification technologies, used in thousands of processes globally. Adapted AI methods for business processes supports document understanding (class/category/meaning). This, combined with continuous online (machine) learning, achieves the highest levels of auto-classification.

  • Training the classifier is easy: simply organize sample sets into training folders and let the classifier automatically build and test a model; quickly become confident of excellent results in production use
  • Classification hierarchies make it possible to handle even the most complex requirements, combining classification approaches and/or grouping classes into logical sets to improve efficiency
  • The online learning option dramatically speeds up implementation time and ensures classification is continually reviewed and updated based on user actions

Transform unstructured content into data

DocProStar has you covered for all types of documents: fixed forms, semi-structured documents (like invoices) and unstructured documents (such as claims and correspondence)-including documents in multiple languages. The content may be electronic, machine generated or even handwritten. Field-proven content extractors give you all the tools needed to confidently extract the required data.

  • Freeform extractors recognize content using the same logic a human operator would, understanding the relationship between labels, other fields and formatting to find the correct information from your content
  • Working with structured forms is made easy with DocProStar’s Dynamic Formsbot, which dramatically reduces setup time through automated analysis of form structure
  • Integrated extraction methods use data from existing systems to improve accuracy and reduce setup time; for example, connecting an extractor to CRM or ERP data makes it simple for the extractor to locate a matching customer record using multiple data combinations

Turn data into actionable business information

Extraction without validation can result in downstream chaos. DocProStar offers powerful extraction and validation capabilities combined with complete process control. This ensures accurate data is captured and turned into business information.

An extensive library of pre-built data validators is available in the platform, from simply checking that data is formatted correctly to ensuring it matches business rules and line of business data.

  • 50+ validation accelerators make it easy to ensure that data from the classification and extraction steps is accurate and correctly formatted
  • Out-of-the-box and unique validation rules are consistently applied throughout processing, ensuring the same quality of data regardless of whether it’s captured by a bot or entered by a user
  • Easily validate data against a wide range of sources using web services, APIs and database integrations

“In looking at process automation solutions available on the market, we really liked DocProStar because having the power to classify content, extract data, understand the data relative to other content and then automate the process all in one single unified platform is a real advantage for our internal outsourcing services and our end customers.”

John Ford, CTO Jobes Technology Solutions

Improve employee happiness and efficiency

Manual data entry is slow, prone to errors and a boring task. Automated content extraction and validation eliminates it, involving users only when automated capture results need review.

Process content faster than ever

Automatic classification and data extraction enable processes to be completed faster than ever before, removing the need for content triage and pre/post processing activities (such as manual sorting, copying files, etc).

Ensure only accurate data enters your organization

Manual processes are not only slow, they are prone to error: the wrong file in the wrong place or a mistyped data field can lead to huge delays or worse. DocProStar’s process control and efficient document understanding ensure only accurate and validated data make it into your systems.

One solution for all types of content.

All in one unified platform DocProStar’s process engine dynamically routes documents to classify and extract information using the most suitable method.