Automate intelligently, Minimize time on risk, Boost customer happiness

Insurance companies can expertly streamline content processing while improving customer communication, scaling with regulatory compliance, and keeping departments in the loop.

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Transform the insurance experience

Insurance providers manage a constant flow of data and document traffic. Stagnated processes and long wait time exacerbate the process—leading to customer frustration and an increase in customer churn rate.

Most companies attempt to speed up the process, but do so without the proper due diligence-leading to errors, risk and lost communication. Instead, elevate insurance organization processes responsibly to provide a seamless transaction for your company and a happier customer.


Case Study: Honan Insurance Group boosts customer and staff experience


Honan Insurance Group, now owned by the world's leading insurance broker and risk advisor Marsh, upgraded its strata (body corporate) quotation process with DocProStar. In under 6 months, Honan transformed their quotation process, yielding significant benefits.

Read the Case Study

Credit: Kate Weber, Digital Nation Australia, May 2024

Enhance responsiveness with automated processing for your insurance organization

Improve processing efficiency & agility

Reduce cost per claim and claim settlement cycle times with automated processing, while improving new and closed claims per adjustor.

Scale with regulatory compliance

Accommodate changes in regulation and government policy, new policy types, or a change to forms and documentation quickly and easily.

Improve customer relations

Faster underwriting processing, consistent communication and automatic notifications improve customer satisfaction and allow your team to focus on crucial tasks.

Mitigate risk and identify fraud

Reduce exposure and analyze risk assessments faster with intelligent processes that recognize fraud, discrepancies and suspicious information in real time.

“This project was highly complex due to the number of form types and age of documents. The TCG Process DocProStar platform was an integral part of this project. The straight through processing of the solution, its speed and accuracy gave our client a sense of comfort in the projected outcome.”

Peter Newland CEO, Advance Record Management

Intelligent business process automation for insurance companies should eliminate workflow bottlenecks, increase document processing speed, maintain regulatory compliance and contribute to customer satisfaction.

Learn more about our experience on our blog

Insurance processing for the digital age


DocProStar from TCG Process enhances claims management and new policy sales while seamlessly processing and organizing incoming data.

Easy communication

Regardless of format or channels, including fax, email, PDFs, online portal, mobile device, chat, social media thread, etc., all inbound content is captured and normalized, in preparation for intelligent document processing.

Smart verification

Data is not only validated for accuracy, it is verified against your enterprise’s business rules, systems and controls ensuring efficient and compliant handling of all transactions.

Dynamic processing

Throughout the transaction, regardless of process type, critical information is automatically understood for near-immediate business intelligence, risk assessment, and process controls.

Three ways to keep your organization (and your customers)
happy with enterprise process automation:

Digital Mailroom

Send the right information to the right person as soon as it arrives. Machine-based classification and automated indexing of incoming data and documents help crucial information get to the right place.

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Policy Administration

Expedite new policy sales and the administration of existing policies with smart, automated processing that reduces risk and improves customer engagement.

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Claims processing

Keep your customers informed, while mitigating risk and maximizing accuracy with AI-powered document identification, smooth workflows, and automatic customer notification.

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Seamless intelligent processing. Fewer headaches.

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