How does TCG Process measure up against capture leaders worldwide?

The annual market report released recently by Infosource, the leading firm for capture software market research, analysis and consulting has identified and ranked the frontrunners in the worldwide capture market for 2022.

After a stellar debut as the highest ranked contender in last year’s report, TCG Process continues to stand out with its placement in the matrix as the leading disruptor in the 2022 report- recognized for its focus and capabilities to execute the ultimate capture solution. With an ever-expanding customer, partner and integrator base supported by a global team of experts, TCG is on a sound path to excel.

Vendors across the globe were evaluated in Infosource’s 2022 Worldwide Capture Software Vendor Matrix Report on critical capture product aspects such as containerized, standardized cloud services architecture, scope of intelligent capture technology including AI classification, machine learning and semantic understanding with associated business rules. Additional evaluation points included strategic direction, handling of omni-channel inputs, and ease-of-use architecture like low- and no-code capabilities.

The matrix breaks down capture vendors into the following categories:

  • Star – Market Leader
  • Disruptor – Good market execution/presence; need to work on strategic imperatives to become a star
  • Competitor – strong sales and marketing but limited vision and strategy required for future market scenarios; need to reimagine Capture strategy
  • Explorer – Some Explorers find success, others do not; vendors in this category either need to focus their strategy on future market opportunities or establish more effective execution, or a combination of both

What do we think at TCG Process are the core-elements of our disruptive approach? It is the smart combination of Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) with Business Process Management (BPM) capabilities based on an open, modern software architecture. This allows TCG and its partners to build highly effective process automation solutions for their customers quickly and safely.

TCG’s Intelligent Document Processing offers:

  • Omni-capture from any input channel in any format, removing friction from B2B/B2C touch points
  • Top notch classification, extraction and validation technologies to turn (document) data into business information with minimal human intervention
  • Astute integration of AI and self-learning to increase data precision and efficiency

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